Connect or reach out to associations below for further Mental Health Support
Lifeline Call if you need to access 24 hour crisis support.
Beyond Blue Call or reach out if you need immediate mental health support.
Head to health Find digital mental health resources from trusted service providers.
Children of Parents with a Mental Illness Promoting better outcomes for children and families where a parent experiences mental illness.
Headspace Online mental health support for young people age 12-25 years old.
Australian Mental health programs. Resource available to assist you with your mental health.
NDIS and Rebate Information, Fact Sheets and Resources
Partners and Associations
NDIS, Registered Provider.
MEDICARE, Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative
University of Queensland, Australia. Alumni.
Auroville (member of Global Ecovillage Network) volunteer 2021.
Tamera, Healing Biotopes Plan, student 2021
World Wellness Group Ltd (WWG)
Occupational Opportunities for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (OOFRAS) Network is an international network of occupational therapists responding to people displaced by war and persecution.
International Association of Infant Massage, Certified Instructors of Infant Massage
NAPA, OT Field School in Antigua, Guatemala - project of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association
University of Cape Town Exchange Student
HAIKU Arts & Yoga Studio, Brisbane Australia